Excludes customers by role in the search context.
The system name of the role to exclude.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Loads all customers with detailed information.
Includes inactive customers in the search context.
Filters customers by department in the search context.
The unique identifier of the department to filter customers by.
The updated search context including only customers from the specified department.
Filters customers by email address in the search context.
The email address to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Filters customers by external ID in the search context.
The external ID to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Filters customers by first name in the search context.
The first name to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Filters customers by a list of unique identifiers.
An array of customer IDs to filter by.
The updated search context including only the specified customer IDs.
Filters customers by last name in the search context.
The last name to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Filters customers by role in the search context.
The system name of the role to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Filters customers based on a search term and search column.
The search term.
The column to search in.
searchType: SearchParamThe updated search context.
Filters customers by username in the search context.
The username to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Loads all customers in the search context.
Loads customers by department in the search context.
Loads customers by email address in the search context.
Loads customers by username in the search context.
Sets the page index for pagination in the search context.
The page index to set.
Sets the page size for pagination in the search context.
The page size to set.
Filters customers by attribute in the search context.
The name of the attribute to filter by.
The value of the attribute to filter by.
param: SearchParamOptional search parameter.
Represents a search context for customers.