ActiveIndicates if the customer is active.
Additional custom attributes associated with the customer.
List of addresses associated with the customer.
The first address line of the customer.
The second address line of the customer.
Additional administrative content related to the customer.
AffiliateThe affiliate identifier of the customer.
Indicates if default styling should be applied to the customer interface.
List of approvers assigned to the customer.
The billing address of the customer.
List of budget managers assigned to the customer.
The city of residence of the customer.
The company name of the customer.
The country of residence of the customer.
CreatedThe date when the customer account was created.
Custom field 1 for additional customer information.
Custom field 2 for additional customer information.
Custom field 3 for additional customer information.
The roles assigned to the customer.
DateThe date of birth of the customer.
The department identifier or name of the customer.
The email address of the customer.
The fax number of the customer.
The first name of the customer.
The full name of the customer.
GenderThe gender of the customer.
GuidThe GUID of the customer.
IdThe unique identifier of the customer.
Indicates if the customer is an administrator.
IsIndicates if the customer is tax-exempt.
LastThe date of the last activity by the customer.
The IP address of the customer's last login.
The last name of the customer.
The last visited page by the customer.
Login message displayed to the customer.
List of MIS (Management Information System) configurations associated with the customer.
Indicates if the MIS should be notified about the customer.
The password of the customer.
The phone number of the customer.
The print location identifier of the customer.
The name of the print location assigned to the customer.
The promotion card number associated with the customer.
PromotionThe promotion card points associated with the customer.
The shipping address of the customer.
The state or province of residence of the customer.
The timezone identifier for the customer.
The title of the customer.
The username of the customer.
The VAT number of the customer.
VatThe status of the VAT number.
WorkflowThe workflow trust level assigned to the customer.
Indicates if workflow trust level is enabled for the customer.
The ZIP or postal code of the customer.
Represents a customer in the system.