Represents a customer in the system.

interface Customer {
    Active?: boolean;
    AdditionalAttributes: CustomerAttributeType[];
    Addresses: Address[];
    AddressLine1: string;
    AddressLine2: string;
    AdminContent: string;
    AffiliateId?: number;
    ApplyDefaultStyling: boolean;
    Approvers: string[];
    BillingAddress: Address;
    BudgetManagers: string[];
    City: string;
    CompanyName: string;
    Country: string;
    CreatedOn?: Date;
    Custom1: string;
    Custom2: string;
    Custom3: string;
    CustomerRoles: string[];
    DateOfBirth?: Date;
    Department: string | number;
    Email: string;
    Fax: string;
    FirstName: string;
    FullName: string;
    Gender?: string;
    Guid?: string;
    Id?: number;
    IsAdmin: boolean;
    IsTaxExempt?: boolean;
    LastActivityDate?: Date;
    LastIpAddress: string;
    LastName: string;
    LastVisitedPage: string;
    LoginMessage: string;
    MisConfigurations: MisConfigType[];
    NotifyMis: boolean;
    Password: string;
    Phone: string;
    PrintLocationId: string;
    PrintLocationName: string;
    PromotionCardNumber: string;
    PromotionCardPoints?: number;
    ShippingAddress: Address;
    StateProvince: string;
    TimeZoneId: string;
    Title: string;
    Username: string;
    VatNumber: string;
    VatNumberStatus?: number;
    WorkflowTrustLevel?: number;
    WorkflowTrustLevelEnabled: boolean;
    ZipPostalCode: string;


Active?: boolean

Indicates if the customer is active.

AdditionalAttributes: CustomerAttributeType[]

Additional custom attributes associated with the customer.

Addresses: Address[]

List of addresses associated with the customer.

AddressLine1: string

The first address line of the customer.

AddressLine2: string

The second address line of the customer.

AdminContent: string

Additional administrative content related to the customer.

AffiliateId?: number

The affiliate identifier of the customer.

ApplyDefaultStyling: boolean

Indicates if default styling should be applied to the customer interface.

Approvers: string[]

List of approvers assigned to the customer.

BillingAddress: Address

The billing address of the customer.

BudgetManagers: string[]

List of budget managers assigned to the customer.

City: string

The city of residence of the customer.

CompanyName: string

The company name of the customer.

Country: string

The country of residence of the customer.

CreatedOn?: Date

The date when the customer account was created.

Custom1: string

Custom field 1 for additional customer information.

Custom2: string

Custom field 2 for additional customer information.

Custom3: string

Custom field 3 for additional customer information.

CustomerRoles: string[]

The roles assigned to the customer.

DateOfBirth?: Date

The date of birth of the customer.

Department: string | number

The department identifier or name of the customer.

Email: string

The email address of the customer.

Fax: string

The fax number of the customer.

FirstName: string

The first name of the customer.

FullName: string

The full name of the customer.

Gender?: string

The gender of the customer.

Guid?: string

The GUID of the customer.

Id?: number

The unique identifier of the customer.

IsAdmin: boolean

Indicates if the customer is an administrator.

IsTaxExempt?: boolean

Indicates if the customer is tax-exempt.

LastActivityDate?: Date

The date of the last activity by the customer.

LastIpAddress: string

The IP address of the customer's last login.

LastName: string

The last name of the customer.

LastVisitedPage: string

The last visited page by the customer.

LoginMessage: string

Login message displayed to the customer.

MisConfigurations: MisConfigType[]

List of MIS (Management Information System) configurations associated with the customer.

NotifyMis: boolean

Indicates if the MIS should be notified about the customer.

Password: string

The password of the customer.

Phone: string

The phone number of the customer.

PrintLocationId: string

The print location identifier of the customer.

PrintLocationName: string

The name of the print location assigned to the customer.

PromotionCardNumber: string

The promotion card number associated with the customer.

PromotionCardPoints?: number

The promotion card points associated with the customer.

ShippingAddress: Address

The shipping address of the customer.

StateProvince: string

The state or province of residence of the customer.

TimeZoneId: string

The timezone identifier for the customer.

Title: string

The title of the customer.

Username: string

The username of the customer.

VatNumber: string

The VAT number of the customer.

VatNumberStatus?: number

The status of the VAT number.

WorkflowTrustLevel?: number

The workflow trust level assigned to the customer.

WorkflowTrustLevelEnabled: boolean

Indicates if workflow trust level is enabled for the customer.

ZipPostalCode: string

The ZIP or postal code of the customer.