Interface representing an item to be added to the basket.

interface AddToBasketObjectInstance {
    Attributes: {
        [key: string]: string;
    Customer: number | Customer;
    DeliveryType: string[];
    Product: number | Product;
    Quantity: number;
    SavedQuoteId?: number;
    Type: MsShoppingCartItemType;


Attributes: {
    [key: string]: string;

Additional attributes associated with the basket item. A key-value pair where the key is the attribute name and the value is the attribute value.

Customer: number | Customer

The customer associated with the basket item. Can be a customer ID or a Customer object.

DeliveryType: string[]

An array of delivery types for the basket item.

Product: number | Product

The product to add to the basket. Can be a product ID or a Product object.

Quantity: number

The quantity of the product to add to the basket.

SavedQuoteId?: number

The ID of the saved quote associated with the basket item. This is used to associate a basket item with a saved quote.

The type of basket item. e.g., shopping cart, wishlist.