Represents operations related to upload locations.

interface UploadLocation {
    GetAllUploadLocations: (() => FileDirectory[]);
    GetUploadLocationById: ((id: number) => FileDirectory);
    ValidateUploadLocations: ((hotfolderIds: number[]) => boolean);


GetAllUploadLocations: (() => FileDirectory[])

Retrieves all upload locations.

Type declaration

GetUploadLocationById: ((id: number) => FileDirectory)

Retrieves an upload location by its ID.

Type declaration

    • (id): FileDirectory
    • Parameters

      • id: number

        The ID of the upload location to retrieve.

      Returns FileDirectory

      The upload location object matching the ID.

ValidateUploadLocations: ((hotfolderIds: number[]) => boolean)

Validates upload locations based on their IDs.

Type declaration

    • (hotfolderIds): boolean
    • Parameters

      • hotfolderIds: number[]

        An array of IDs of hotfolders to validate.

      Returns boolean

      A boolean indicating whether all specified upload locations are valid.