Filters results to include quotes created by a specific customer.
The ID of the customer who created the quotes.
The updated search instance.
Filters results to include only quotes for a specific customer.
The customer ID to filter by.
The updated search instance.
Retrieves all saved quotes matching the current search criteria.
A paginated list of saved quotes.
Filters results to include quotes with a specific custom tag.
The custom tag to filter by.
The updated search instance.
Filters results to include quotes with a specific status ID.
The status ID to filter by.
The updated search instance.
Filters results to include only parent quotes.
The updated search instance.
Sets the column by which the results are ordered.
The column to sort by, represented by an enumeration.
The updated search instance.
Sets the sorting direction for the search results.
The sorting direction (0 for Ascending, 1 for Descending).
The updated search instance.
Filters results based on a search term.
The term to search for in quotes.
The updated search instance.
Sets the page index for paginated results.
The page index to set.
The updated search instance.
Sets the page size for paginated results.
The number of results per page.
The updated search instance.
Filters results to include only quotes with the specified parent quote ID.
The parent quote ID to filter by.
The updated search instance.
Represents a search object for filtering and retrieving saved quotes.