Represents a product variant.

interface ProductVariant {
    AdditionalShippingCharge: number;
    AdminComment: string;
    AllowBackInStockSubscriptions: boolean;
    Attributes: ProductAttribute[];
    AvailableEndDateTimeUtc: string | Date;
    AvailableStartDateTimeUtc: string | Date;
    BackorderMode: BackorderMode;
    CallForPrice: boolean;
    CanDownloadAsset?: boolean;
    CustomerEntersPrice: boolean;
    DefaultQuantity: number;
    DeliveryType: string[];
    Description: string;
    DisableBuyButton: boolean;
    DisableWishlistButton: boolean;
    Discounts: ProductVariantDiscount[];
    DisplayStockAvailability: boolean;
    DisplayStockQuantity: boolean;
    ExternalIds: ExternalId[];
    HasQuantityBasedPricing?: boolean;
    Height: number;
    Id: number;
    IsFreeShipping: boolean;
    IsShipEnabled: boolean;
    IsTaxExempt: boolean;
    Length: number;
    LowStockActivity: LowStockActivity;
    ManageInventoryMethod: ManageInventoryMethod;
    MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice: number;
    MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice: number;
    MinStockQuantity: number;
    NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow: number;
    OldPrice: number;
    OrderMaximumQuantity: number;
    OrderMinimumQuantity: number;
    OrderPackQuantity: number;
    Price: number;
    PriceScript: PriceScript;
    ProductCost: number;
    ProductGroup: ProductGroup;
    QuantitySelectorMode: number;
    RequiresQuote: boolean;
    ShowOrderlineTotal: boolean;
    Sku: string;
    SpecialPrice: number;
    SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc: string | Date;
    SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc: string | Date;
    StockQuantity: number;
    TaxCategoryIds: number[];
    TierPrices: TierPrice[];
    Type: ProductType;
    UseInterpolationForTierPricing: boolean;
    UseMultiTierSpread: boolean;
    Weight: number;
    Width: number;


AdditionalShippingCharge: number

The additional shipping charge for the product variant.

AdminComment: string

The admin comment for the product variant.

AllowBackInStockSubscriptions: boolean

Indicates whether back-in-stock subscriptions are allowed.

Attributes: ProductAttribute[]

A list of product attributes for the product variant.

AvailableEndDateTimeUtc: string | Date

The UTC end date and time when the product is no longer available.

AvailableStartDateTimeUtc: string | Date

The UTC start date and time when the product is available.

BackorderMode: BackorderMode

The backorder mode for the product variant.

CallForPrice: boolean

Indicates if "Call for Price" is enabled for the product variant.

CanDownloadAsset?: boolean

Indicates whether the product asset can be downloaded.

CustomerEntersPrice: boolean

Indicates if the customer can enter the price for the product variant.

DefaultQuantity: number

The default quantity for the product variant when added to the order.

DeliveryType: string[]

The delivery types associated with the product variant.

Description: string

The description of the product variant.

DisableBuyButton: boolean

Indicates whether the buy button is disabled for the product variant.

DisableWishlistButton: boolean

Indicates whether the wishlist button is disabled for the product variant.

A list of discounts associated with the product variant.

DisplayStockAvailability: boolean

Indicates whether stock availability should be displayed.

DisplayStockQuantity: boolean

Indicates whether the stock quantity should be displayed.

ExternalIds: ExternalId[]

A list of external IDs for the product variant.

HasQuantityBasedPricing?: boolean

Indicates if quantity-based pricing is enabled.

Height: number

The height of the product variant.

Id: number

The identifier of the product variant.

IsFreeShipping: boolean

Indicates if the product variant has free shipping.

IsShipEnabled: boolean

Indicates if shipping is enabled for the product variant.

IsTaxExempt: boolean

Indicates if the product variant is tax-exempt.

Length: number

The length of the product variant.

LowStockActivity: LowStockActivity

The low-stock activity configuration for the product variant.

ManageInventoryMethod: ManageInventoryMethod

The inventory management method for the product variant.

MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice: number

The maximum price the customer can enter.

MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice: number

The minimum price the customer can enter.

MinStockQuantity: number

The minimum stock quantity allowed for the product variant.

NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow: number

The quantity threshold below which the admin should be notified.

OldPrice: number

The old price of the product variant.

OrderMaximumQuantity: number

The maximum order quantity for the product variant.

OrderMinimumQuantity: number

The minimum order quantity for the product variant.

OrderPackQuantity: number

The pack quantity for ordering the product variant.

Price: number

The price of the product variant.

PriceScript: PriceScript

The price script associated with the product variant.

ProductCost: number

The product cost of the product variant.

ProductGroup: ProductGroup

The product group associated with the product variant.

QuantitySelectorMode: number

The quantity selector mode for the product variant.

RequiresQuote: boolean

Indicates if the product variant requires a quote.

ShowOrderlineTotal: boolean

Indicates if the order line total should be shown.

Sku: string

The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product variant.

SpecialPrice: number

The special price of the product variant.

SpecialPriceEndDateTimeUtc: string | Date

The end date and time of the special price for the product variant.

SpecialPriceStartDateTimeUtc: string | Date

The start date and time of the special price for the product variant.

StockQuantity: number

The stock quantity of the product variant.

TaxCategoryIds: number[]

A list of tax category IDs applicable to the product variant.

TierPrices: TierPrice[]

A list of tier prices for the product variant.

The type of the product variant.

UseInterpolationForTierPricing: boolean

Indicates whether interpolation is used for tier pricing.

UseMultiTierSpread: boolean

Indicates whether multi-tier spread pricing is used.

Weight: number

The weight of the product variant.

Width: number

The width of the product variant.