Finds an order by its ID.
Finds an order by the ID of its product variant.
Records an order based on the provided model and returns a result.
The record order model to be recorded.
A result indicating success or failure of the record operation.
Searches orders based on custom tags.
The type of custom tag to search by.
The search phrase or keyword.
The index of the page to retrieve (starting from 1).
The number of items per page.
Indicates if the search should be an exact match.
Indicates the sorting direction (true for ascending, false for descending).
A paged list of orders matching the search criteria.
Searches order product variants based on custom tags.
The type of custom tag to search by.
The search phrase or keyword.
The index of the page to retrieve (starting from 1).
The number of items per page.
Indicates if the search should be an exact match.
Indicates the sorting direction (true for ascending, false for descending).
A paged list of order product variants matching the search criteria.
Starts a search operation for orders.
An object allowing further specification of the search criteria.
Validates a record order model and returns a result.
The record order model to validate.
A result indicating success or failure of the validation.
Represents operations related to orders.