Represents the Configurations object within the MegaScript context. Provides methods to get shipping method names and retrieve specific settings.

interface ConfigurationsObject {
    GetSetting: ((groupName: string, settingName: string) => string);
    GetAllShippingMethodNames(): MSShippingMethod;
    GetDefaultCountryIsoCode(): string;
    GetStoreBillingAddress(): Address;


GetSetting: ((groupName: string, settingName: string) => string)

Retrieves a specific setting value by group name and setting name.

Type declaration

    • (groupName, settingName): string
    • Parameters

      • groupName: string

        The name of the group the setting belongs to.

      • settingName: string

        The name of the setting to retrieve.

      Returns string

      The value of the specified setting, or null if not found.


  • Retrieves all shipping method names available.

    Returns MSShippingMethod

    An object instance containing all shipping method names.

  • Retrieves the default country ISO code.

    Returns string

    The two-letter ISO code of the default country, or an empty string if not set.

  • Retrieves the store's billing address.

    Returns Address

    A SimpleObject containing the store billing address details, or null if not available.